Christopher Harms

Data Scientist · Dr. phil. ·

Hi there! I am a Data Scientist, Co-Founder and Managing Director of SKOPOS ELEMENTS. My previous academic research at the University of Bonn was focused on statistical practice and replicability in psychological science. At SKOPOS ELEMENTS, we implement state of the art solutions for data-driven companies — using both statistical methods and cutting edge machine learning. My talks and workshops focus on data science, replicable research methods, and the future of data science in business.

This page is my CV and a list of my academic publications. You find writings on my research and data science stuff over at my blog.

Professional Experience

Co-Founder & Managing Director / Chief Data Scientist


We are a consultancy, providing data science solutions for our clients. Using statistics, machine learning, and software engineering we help our clients to become more data-driven. As Head of AI for the SKOPOS Group, responsible for developing and implementing the overall AI strategy.

January 2020 - present

Lead Data Scientist

SKOPOS Research —

Advancing market research through the implementation of data science and machine learning methods. Building a team of data scientist and providing individual, data-centered solutions for our customers.

August 2016 - December 2019

Research and Teaching Assistant

University of Bonn, Institute for Psychology

Academic research on questions of replicability in psychological science and statistical practice (hypothesis testing, statistical modeling, Bayesian statistics). Teaching Master students in psychology on testing, decision-making and psychological assessment.

October 2015 - September 2018

Speaker & Workshop Trainer

Giving workshops and talks on Data Science, statistics and research methods. A selection of workshops and talks:

  • Data Analysis using R (see Blog post here)
  • Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
  • Biometry and Statistical Methods (Good Clinical Practice courses for principal investigators in clinical trials)
  • Artificial Intelligence in Market Research
January 2013 - present

Director Marketing

CETel GmbH —
April 2014 - April 2015

Education & Academic Experience

University of Bonn

PhD student

Dissertation title: The Replication Crisis in Psychology: Statistical and Meta-Scientific Perspectives
Grade: 1.1 (Summa cum laude)

October 2015 - November 2021

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Visiting Researcher / PhD student

Collaborating with  Daniël Lakens,  Anne Scheel and  Peder Isager on questions of reproducibility in psychological science.

February 2018 - March 2018

University of Bonn

Psychology (Master of Science)

Master thesis: „Statistical validation of data quality using simulation-based methods”
Grade: 1.2

October 2012 - August 2014

University of Bonn

Psychology (Bachelor of Science)

Bachelor thesis: „The Influence of Genetics and Personality on Soft-Drink Preference: A Neuromarketing Study involving Eye-Tracking Measurements”
Grade: 1.3

October 2008 - September 2012

Research Interests

  • Bayesian statistics and multilevel modeling in social science research
  • Reproducibility and replicability in psychological science
  • Machine Learning and Data Science in applied marketing and market research
  • Innovative approaches to data collection and analysis in market research

These interests have contributed to my research publications below.


 Peer-reviewed Articles,  Pre-Prints,  Conference Papers and  Posters



  • Thomas, E., Steffens, M., Harms, C., Rossell, S., Gurvich, C., & Ettinger, U. (2020). Schizotypy, Neuroticism and Saccadic Eye Movements: New Data and Meta-analysis. Psychophysiology. doi:10.1111/psyp.13706


  • Magnusdottir, B.B., Faiola, E., Harms, C., Sigurdsson, E., Ettinger, U., & Haraldsson, H.M. (2019). Cognitive measures and performance on the antisaccade eye movement task. Journal of Cognition., 2(1), 3. doi:10.5334/joc.52
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  • Harms, C., Jackel, L., & Montag, C. (2017). Reliability and completion speed in online questionnaires under consideration of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 111. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.02.015
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  • Harms, C., & Schmidt, S. (2017). Conversational Survey Frontends: How Can Chatbots Improve Online Surveys? In: General Online Research (GOR) 2017, Berlin.
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  • Beauducel, A., Harms, C., & Hilger, N. (2016). Reliability estimates for three factor score predictors. International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 5(6), 94–107. doi:10.5539/ijsp.v5n6p94
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  • Harms, C., Jackel L., & Montag, C. (2016, March). Impulsiveness, Speed and Reliability in Online Questionnaires. Poster presented at General Online Research, Dresden, Germany.


  • Harms, C. (2014). Statistical validation of data quality using simulation methods. Unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Bonn, Germany.